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Wisdom for the Wealthy Blog

Purpose in Life is the Issue

nWhat is Your Purpose in Life?[1]   Life is filled with “Decision Points”where there are only two ways to live. We can take action by deciding (choosing) to live a life of Pleasing God as Jesus did or Pleasing Self as we all tend to do. In 2 Cor. 5:9-10, God is...

Foolish Desires

Foolish Desires

But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. 1 Timothy 6:9 Ken had what the world would call the classic tall, dark and handsome outside persona. He was intellectually...

Serve Your Employer, Honor God

Serve Your Employer, Honor God

For today’s blog post I’d like to tell you about a woman who used to work for our wealth management firm and how her work ethic and attitude in her job was truly a testament to her love and reverence for God. Today’s blog post is about our dear friend, Ruth. All who...

The INSIDE OUT Transformation Progress

The INSIDE OUT Transformation Progress

Hello everyone and welcome to today’s blog post. When it comes to becoming a better steward of your money, I believe in the powerful INSIDE OUT Transformation Process. Just as a caterpillar miraculously turns into a butterfly, I believe that when we follow the INSIDE...

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